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Bonus Resources

Chapter 4: Software

KNIME is an open-source solution for data-driven innovation, designed for discovering the potential hidden in data, mining for fresh insights, or predicting new futures.

Here are some samples (and other resources) relevant to Internal Audit.


Sample Workflows

KNIME has a large and active community, constantly creating and sharing useful workflows.

Here are links to some sample workflows relevant to internal audit work.

  1. Automated Reporting of Receivables: A workflow designed to provide a daily overview of overdue receivables to categorize and apply actions to. Automated Reporting of Receivables – KNIME Hub
  2. Timesheet Aggregation & Analysis: A workflow designed to read individual timesheets, then join, aggregate and group them for further analysis. Timesheets Aggregation & Analysis – KNIME Hub
  3. Generating Invoice Reports: A workflow designed to access data sourced from cloud storage & sharepoint, blend it, and then format it into an invoice table exported into a PDF document. Generating Invoice Reports – KNIME Hub
  4. Budget Monitoring Report: A workflow designed to prepare data for a budget monitoring report by calculating money used, assigned and remaining for each year by project. Budget Monitoring Report – KNIME Hub


Other Resources

Chapter 5: Selecting & Sourcing Data

A summary sheet for the components of the data selection framework.

D.A.R.T.S Cheat Sheet, page 52.

The Data-Confident Internal Auditor - DARTS Cheat Sheet


Data Request Template, page 63.

If we don’t have direct access to the data warehouse, another data store or the specific data that we need, we may need to provide a written memo.

Unless we have specific protocols regarding internal memos, it is best to keep this simple, but include information that will help avoid confusion.

This template includes the important information.

The Data-Confident Internal Auditor - Data Request Template

Chapter 6: Preparing the Data

DQ Checklist and Report Template, page 78.

The Data-Confident Internal Auditor - Data Quality

Chapter 8: QA & Business Validation

Quality Assurance Plan Template, page 124.

Chapter 9: Reporting & Visualisation
Chapter 11: Audit Data Governance

Third Party Compliance Checklist, page 186.

Data governance - third party compliance checks.

A worksheet, with examples of checks to conduct and questions to ask.

The Data-Confident Internal Auditor - DG 3rd party compliance